Indian Retail Industry at Glance

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3 years, 2 months ago

Indian Retail industry is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. It contributes 10% to Indian GDP and 8% to the employment. Its the world's fifth largest and preferred global destination in the retail.

Indian Retail Segments

Indian Retail industry mainly divided into

  • Organised
  • Un-Organised
Organised Indian Retail:

Organised Indian Retails are the once owned by private companies that are associated with production and sales of  goods and services. Some of the examples could be e-Commerce Companies and Online retail stores.

Un-Organised Indian Retail:

Traditional or Conventional low cost retailers are considered as Un-Organised, these includes local shops, Kirana Stores, Provisional Stores, General Stores, Single Owner Stores, Hand Cart and Pavement Vendors et al. 

Indian Retail Industry Market Size

Indian Retail has been consistently  growing at 21% CAGR from past decade, the market size estimated to grow US $1200 B by 2021F and US$ 1750 B by 2026F.

With many favourable government polices, reforms  and initiatives such as "Ease of Doing Business" and "Digital India Movement", India is becoming most viable place for many Global Businesses to invest.

Experts and analysts believes Indian Retail will continue to grow and remain one of the highly lucrative market in the world.


Overall Rating: 5.0

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Citylocalshop - Why Go Places Shop Local


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